Science Topics beginning with ‘L’:
Lagrangian Points:
Lagrangian Points
Lagrangian Points are locations in space where the gravitational forces of two relatively massive celestial bodies, such as a star and a planet, or a planet and its moon, balance each other. The combined mass of the two bodies, and their relative motion orbiting about each other, can effect one or more other bodies of much lesser mass. For example, a satelite orbiting the two massive bodies. Refer to the Wikipedia entry: Lagrange Point, for more details.

There are many available definitions of ‘life’. Often a particular definition is presented in a certain context and this particular definition may not necessarily be appropriate or relevant in other contexts.
Here are several definitions of ‘life’:
Wikipedia definition of life.
Merrium-Webster dictionary definition of life.
Cambridge dictionary definition of life.
Oxford English Dictionary definition of life. This web site entry refers to 40 meanings of ‘life’, depending upon the context.
The Concise Oxford English Dictionary 12th edition gives the following meaning for:
“life sciences“: “the sciences concerned with the study of living organisms, including biology, botany, zoology, and related subjects.”
“life”: sense one states: “the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, functional activity, and continual change preceding death. – living things and their activity.”
Britannica encyclopedia definition of life.
(Page updated on: 27/11/2024)