Seaswell Publishing is pleased to further announce that ‘Three Fates‘, book two of Barrie Cameron‘s Planetoid Trilogy, is now available as a Kindle E-book.
Publishing Status
The publishing status of Barrie Cameron‘s Planetoid Trilogy:
- ‘Star Island‘, Book One: available on Amazon in Paperback (Print On Demand) and Kindle E-book;
- ‘Three Fates’, Book Two: available on Amazon in paperback (POD), and Kindle E-book;
- ‘Phoenix‘ Book Three: in final editing. Expected to be released on Amazon in mid-2023.
The ‘PLANETOID Trilogy‘ is a science fiction adventure mystery, set in the second half of the 21st Century.
In 2050, Earth is already beset by dangers: climate change, environmental damage, and political instability.
But an interstellar visitor is announced to be on a collision course with Earth. A scientist, alerted to the threat, must lead the effort to save Earth’s biosphere and human civilization from destruction.

Is this interstellar asteroid too much to handle for the world’s already stressed space faring nations?
How can the threat be countered?
And who is the mysterious stranger?
Book One, Star Island
Book One, ‘Star Island‘, introduces the Planetoid and, through several unusual events, the international heroes who will attempt to save Earth from this once in a 100 million year event.

Book Two, Three Fates
Book Two, ‘Three Fates‘, recounts the journey of the astronauts chosen to deflect the Planetoid. This is the tale of their journey through deep space from Earth out past Jupiter and towards the orbit of Pluto. They must rendezvous with the interstellar visitor as it hurtles into the Solar System after passing through the Kuiper Belt.

Book Three, Phoenix
Book Three, ‘Phoenix‘, reveals the encounters and adventures of the astronauts once they reach the Planetoid. They must uncover the mystery concerning the Planetoid’s true nature and origin and discover a way to deflect it from its destructive course. The ultimate fates of Earth and of the adventurers hang in the balance.